Cray MTA

The Cray MTA, formerly known as the Tera MTA, is a supercomputer architecture based on thousands of independent threads, fine-grain communication and synchronization between threads, and latency tolerance for irregular computations.

Each MTA processor (CPU) has a high-performance ALU with many independent register sets, each running an independent thread. For example, the Cray MTA-2 uses 128 register sets and thus 128 threads per CPU/ALU. All MTAs to date use a barrel processor arrangement, with a thread switch on every cycle, with blocked (stalled) threads skipped to avoid wasting ALU cycles. When a thread performs a memory read, execution blocks until data returns; meanwhile, other threads continue executing. With enough threads (concurrency), there are nearly always runable threads to "cover" for blocked threads, and the ALUs stay busy. The memory system uses full/empty bits to ensure correct ordering. For example, an array A is initially written with "empty" bits, and any thread reading a value from A blocks until another thread writes a value. This ensures correct ordering, but allows fine-grained interleaving and provides a simple programming model. The memory system is also "randomized", with adjacent physical addresses going to different memory banks. Thus, when two threads access memory simultaneously, they rarely conflict unless they are accessing the same location.

A goal of the MTA is that porting codes from other machines is straightforward, but gives good performance. A parallelizing FORTRAN compiler can produce high performance for some codes with little manual intervention. Where manual porting is required, the simple and fine-grained synchronization model often allows programmers to write code the "obvious" way yet achieve good performance. A further goal is that programs for the MTA will be scalability -- that is, when run on an MTA with twice as many CPUs, the same program will have nearly twice the performance. Both of these are challenges for many other high-performance computer systems.

An uncommon feature of the MTA is several workloads can be interleaved with good performance. Typically, supercomputers are dedicated to a task at a time. The MTA allows idle threads to be allocated to other tasks with very little effect on the main calculations.



There have been three MTA implementations and as of 2009 a fourth is planned. The implementations are:


Only a few systems have been deployed, and only MTA-2 benchmarks have been reported widely, making performance comparisons difficult.

Across several benchmarks, a 2-CPU MTA-2 shows performance similar to a 2-processor Cray T90.[2] For the specific application of ray tracing, a 4-CPU MTA-2 was about 5x faster than a 4-CPU Cray T3E, and in scaling from 1 CPU to 4 CPUs the Tera performance improved by 3.8x, while the T3E going from 1 to 4 CPUs improved by only 3.0x.[3]

Architectural Considerations

Another way to compare systems is by inherent overheads and bottlenecks of the design. Some considerations:

See Also


External links